#10: Making Others Feel Special with Jessica

“Everything you do has the power to make an impact on someone.”


Jessica has been a friend of mine for over twenty years, and while we have many memories together, there were still things I learned about her through today’s conversation.


Jessica is a family support services coordinator in Nevada, but that’s not the career path she was always on. Today she shares how one dinner table conversation with her then 12-year-old daughter led her to the career that she now loves and cherishes. Jessica also talks about her childhood, and her experience with her parent’s divorce and how that impacted her.


Jessica is a thoughtful friend who shares many of her life lessons and tactical tips on how to make others feel special. I hope you find connection through our conversation.


Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights:

●       Jessica’s story and background.

●       The impact Jessica’s parent’s divorce had on her life and who she is today.

●       A little on Jessica’s career change after being unhappy.

●       Jessica’s journey of infertility and adoption through foster care.

●       The importance of having goals.

●       How to stay connected and intentional with friends.


Find more on Jessica:

●      Email Jessica at Hartwigsnv@yahoo.com

●      Adoption Education and Resources at Raise the Future

●      Turquoise Table Story

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#11: Balancing Work, Mom Life, and Friendships with Corrie


#9: Wellness and the Impact of Connection with Crystal