#103: Lead Your Recovery with Carol

How do we learn to connect emotionally with people when that hasn't been modeled for us?


In today’s episode, I am speaking with my friend Carol. By day Carol is a Director for a global organization, working on process improvement and integration projects. By night, Carol is a wife, mom, and friend, connecting with her people and enjoying life. In this episode, Carol talks with us about how growing up she dreamed of having a large, close knit family. However, her reality looked different. She often played peace maker in her family, and those early experiences have played a role in how she handles relationships and connections today. We talk about the desire to rewire habits that have been ingrained into us. Carol’s focus word for the year is: Lead. She is on a journey of leading her recovery from past hurts so she can engage more emotionally with her family today.  I hope this episode encourages you to give yourself grace and empathy as you lead your own recovery.

Episode Highlights:

●       Carol’s background story

●       A day in the life of Carol

●       Always being the peacemaker

●       Emotional tone of our childhood home

●       Asking good questions about needs and desires

●       Task oriented work

●       Falling back into old habits

●       Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

●       EMDRIA.org

●       Naming and healing within community

●       Kindness and curiosity

●       Carol’s community

●       Switching hats between tasks and emotions

●       What Carol is reading

●       What Carol is looking forward to

Find more on Guest:

●       Carol on Facebook


Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       On IG @karla_osorno

●       Show your support by sharing this episode with a friend.


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Memory Lane Chats is the best way to record the story of your family. Knowing the story we were born into and understanding the people who came before us is powerful, beautiful, and healing. Invite your loved one to tell their stories at MemoryLaneChats.com. Stories matter and Memory Lane Chats wants to help you tell yours to future generations.


#104: A Replay of You Are Not Your Emotions with Katie


#102: Are You Worrying About Things Out of Your Control? With Julie