#105: You Don’t Have to Follow the “Shoulds” with Kate

Have you ever felt misunderstood?


Today’s guest, Kate, is a perfect example of blazing your own path in a world that often feels cookie cutter or one size fits all. From a young age, Kate noticed that she was different from other people in the fact that she feels so deeply, and longs for intentional connection with people around her. Instead of shying away from traits that made her unique, Kate leaned into self-awareness and acceptance through her journey of counseling and communication. Kate’s longing for connection only grew stronger as she got older, although  as she progressed through school and finding her  career she still seemed to feel that something was missing. She recognized that the “shoulds” that she had been following, were not fulfilling her desire to live a full and connected life. Kate moved to the Dominican Republic and fell in love with the culture, and the connection of the local people who live there. She started her own business helping introduce other people to that same true connection, gratefulness, and happiness. I hope this episode encourages you to step off of the beaten path and follow your dreams.

Episode Highlights:

●       All about Kate

●       Kate’s love for connection

●       Dealing with her parent’s divorce

●       The benefits of counseling

●       Kate’s education

●       Moving to the Dominican Republic

●       Room to Roam

Find more on Guest:

●       Room to Roam Website

●       Room to Roam Instagram

Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       On IG @karla_osorno


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#106: The Power of Prayer with Lori


#104: A Replay of You Are Not Your Emotions with Katie