#112: Stepping Into The Uncomfortable with Lisa

Are you a chronic comfort seeker?


Today’s guest, Lisa, describes her early years as being comfortable. Things seemed to go exactly how they were supposed to, and it always felt “easy”. However, Lisa was forced into the uncomfortable when she faced a life threatening illness post pregnancy with her daughter that ended in an unwanted hysterectomy. This pivotal moment shifted Lisa into starting to feel more comfortable with the uncomfortable. This led Lisa and her husband into becoming foster parents. Now, Lisa takes children who are living in the uncomfortable and brings comfort and peace to their lives. I hope Lisa’s story encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, and step into God’s calling on your life.

Episode Highlights:

●       Lisa’s early life

●       Seeking comfort

●       Fighting for her life post-pregnancy

●       Lisa’s community surrounding her

●       Life as foster parents

●       Fostering leading to adoption

●       Living life outside of your comfort zone

●       Ways to impact the foster care system

Find more on Guest:

●       Hope Bridge Website

●       Lisa on IG @Lisa_messintoamessage

●       Hope Bridge Ohio on IG @hopebridgeohio

Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       On IG @karla_osorno

●       Free 10 Day Connection Challenge


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#113: A Look Into Foster Care Honoring Foster Care Awareness Month with Nikki


#111: Are you in Touch with Your Intuition? With Jules