#2: When Friends become Family with Lauren

When you are in the face of lonely seasons, what do you do to get more intentional about finding connection? If you have found yourself in unknown places with a lack of community, what do you do to build those friendships?

Today on the podcast, we are discussing all of that and more with my dear friend Lauren. Lauren is a mom and wife, a home stager and designer, and she has so much depth to her story. Today she opens up and shares all about her childhood, what it was like being born with hearing loss, the impact a family that was not her own had on her life, how she dealt with loneliness when moving to her new college town and more.


Not to mention, Lauren actually shares some really tactical tips on how to find those friendships that we so often yearn for when we feel isolated.


Through this episode, we hope that you feel like you are pulling up a chair beside us and joining in on this conversation. There is always a place for you at The Commons!


Episode Highlights:

●       The impact that people around us make on our lives and in turn the impact we can make on others.

●       Lauren’s story of being born with hearing loss and her life journey with hearing loss.

●       How to find connection in those seasons of loneliness.

●       How to intentionally find friends.

●       How Lauren’s home staging business came about.


Links Mentioned in the Episode/Connect:

●       Get 10% off your Jeanie Clip order with the code KARLA10

●       Subscribe to our weekly email HERE

●       Find out more at www.thecommonswithkarla.com

●       IG: @thecommonswithkarla

Reach out to Lauren Diaz

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#3: Closets, Cookies, and Continuing Education with Nicole


#1: Pursuing Friendship with Jennette