#39: Living Life All In with Rachel

Today we are talking with Rachel. Rachel is the perfect example of someone who has decided to “live all in” by truly committing her full attention to being intentional in her life and in her relationships with others.  No matter what life throws her way, Rachel takes it head on and always makes the best of every situation. In this episode, Rachel teaches us through her story that taking a positive perspective on life will help you to be more “all in” for yourself and for others. She expresses the importance of being happy “in the meantime”, and how you can’t wait for everything in your life to be picture perfect in order to be joyful. I hope this episode encourages you.


Episode Highlights:

●     Rachel’s backstory

●     Caring (with siblings) for aging parents

●     Maturity and confidence

●     Dealing with shame

●     Life as a travel nurse

●     Being engaged and intentional with relationships

●     You don’t have to live your life alone.

●     What to do in life “in the meantime”

●     Life mantras can help when you struggle

●     Rachel’s mission trip experiences

●     Pursuing wholeness



●     If you have questions or want to talk about faith, let’s connect.

●     Email me directly at karla@karlaosorno.com

●     Follow or DM Karla on IG @karla_osorno


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#40: Vulnerability Leading to Community with Shayla


#38: Devoting your Life to Serve Others with Jess