#42: Giving Back to your Community with Jill

Today we are talking with Assemblywoman Jill Tolles. Jill is a mother of two adult daughters, who have recently moved out of the house, making Jill and her husband empty-nesters. Jill started her political journey as a mom advocating for education in the state of Nevada, which led to her becoming a member of a task force against child abuse. Jill worked on legislation to put prevention programs in schools and went on to become an Assemblywoman in Nevada. Jill, who is a successful politician, takes us back to some challenging circumstances that she has gone through that have motivated her to use her platform to make a difference. Jill is so brave to share her story with others. In our conversation, she expresses that as soon as she shared her story, so many others felt that they were able to finally share their story too. There is power in vulnerability and knowing that you are not alone. I hope Jill’s story encourages you.


Episode Highlights:

●     Focus words

●     Advice for parents with young children

●     Becoming an empty nester

●     Jill’s pivotal moments

●     Finding Courage to Talk About Child Sexual Abuse - Jill Tolle’s TED Talk

●     Teaching Communications at the University of Nevada

●     On the faculty of the National Judicial College

●     Jill’s political journey

●     The good, bad, and ugly of politics



●     Connect with Karla on IG @karla_osorno


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#43: Following God’s Calling on your Life with Kate


#41: Embracing Change with Susaan