#56: How Do You Rebuild Trust? With Kasee

Today I am in conversation with Kasee. Kasee is a hard working woman, who is strong and determined.  As Kasee was growing up, she unfortunately had to witness and experience abuse in her home. This trauma followed her into adulthood, as she found herself in relationships that mimicked the abuse she experienced as a child. The impact of these experiences left Kasee finding it very hard to trust. As she continues to grow, Kasee is learning that sometimes you have to be self aware and recognize when you are self-sabotaging and letting past hurts into a new relationship.  If you can relate to Kasee’s story, or know someone who does, I hope this episode brings you hope and encouragement.

Kasee’s Story:

●     Growing up waxing/tweezing for friends as a young girl

●     Music and traveling

●     Playing as a child


Going Deep:

●     Growing up with abuse and repeating patterns

●     Being in abusive relationships

●     Communicating your trauma in new relationships



●     Experiencing trust issues?

●     Seek a therapist to help heal past trauma

●     Self reflect

●     Self awareness to tell when you are self-sabotaging


Final Questions:

●     What are you reading? Unf*ck your Brain: Getting Over Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Triggers with science by Faith Harper

●     What are you watching? 1883

●     What are you loving? My job, my cats, and my life

●     What would you do with an unexpected four hours? Go to Italy

●     What is your superpower? Being a compassionate listener

●     What are you looking forward to? A weekend in San Francisco


●     Karla on IG @karla_osorno

●     10 Day Connection Challenge

●     Coaching with Karla - free consult or jump in


Thanks to our Sponsor:

Memories fade. We lose people in our lives. We go our whole lives without asking our loved ones to tell their precious stories.  We miss hearing the laughter in their voices and laughing at humorous comments and inside jokes. There is another option. Let Memory Lane Chats help you capture these voices and stories. Each package gives you a 30, 60, or 90 minute audio recording of an interview style conversation with the person you love. Get more information and order yours today at MemoryLaneChats.com.


#57: Since You Asked: Answering your questions about life, relationships, and work


#55: What Adventure are you Being Called to Next? With Lisa