#65: Is There a Difference Between Boring and Ordinary? With Amanda

Today I am chatting with Amanda, a wife and stay-at-home mom, doing the more than full-time work of raising a family and caring for a home. She grew up in a strong community and still actively nurtures her community with intention and time.

Amanda’s Story:

●     Being a wife and stay at home mom

●     Amanda’s childhood community growing up

●     Faith Journey starting in Junior High

Going Deep:

●     The difference between boring and ordinary

●     Seeing the beauty right in front of us

●     Looking past distractions and enjoying small moments


●     Experiencing discontentment?

○     Remember that there is beautiful in the ordinary

○     Be okay with not being everybody's friend

○     Be intentional and faithful to what is in front of you

○     You have a purpose

○     Raising your children well is very purposeful


●     Karla on IG @karla_osorno

●     10 Day Connection Challenge

●     Coaching with Karla - free consult or jump in

Thanks to our Sponsor:

Memories fade. We lose people in our lives. We go our whole lives without asking our loved ones to tell their precious stories.  We miss hearing the laughter in their voices and laughing at humorous comments and inside jokes. There is another option. Let Memory Lane Chats help you capture these voices and stories. Each package gives you a 30, 60, or 90 minute audio recording of an interview style conversation with the person you love. Get more information and order yours today at MemoryLaneChats.com.


#66: Since You Asked: Answering Questions About The Royal Family, Overwhelm, and The Bible


#64: Fighting The Internal Battle Of Grief and Loss with Kari