#68: Why not me? With Stephanie Dunlap

Why not me?

This was a question that our guest, Stephanie, asked herself while standing on the sidelines watching friends run. Stephanie is a wife, mom, teacher, and a wonderful friend.  She went from cheering on the sidelines to training for her first marathon back in 2011. She has gone on to run 22 full marathons, running, coaching, leading, and cheering on thousands of women with her positivity. Today we get to hear Stephanie’s story of finding courage, chasing her dreams, and proudly running strong in life. If you are on the edge of stepping outside of your comfort zone, I hope this episode helps you to be brave and take your next right step.

Stephanie’s Story:

●     Teacher by day, runner by night

●     Being an influencer

●     10 years of marriage, with two bonus kids, and two biological children

●     Living a productive life vs. “busy”

●     Traveling the world to teach

Going Deep:

●     Leaving a physically and emotionally abusive relationship

●     Overcoming grief

●     Stephanie’s journey back to health

●     Run Strong Run origin story - Follow @runstrongrun

●     Detroit Free Press Marathon October 14-16, 2022

●     Infertility journey


●     Women wear so many different hats

●     Run strong in whatever you are facing

●     Run YOUR race

●     Rely on your relationship with God, and your relationship with others to help you

Final Questions:

●     What do you do to stay connected to your husband? Friday night date nights as well as a beach get away

●     How do you stay connected with your girls? We spend a lot of time together at the park


●     Stephanie on Twitter and IG @runstrongrun and FB @runstephstrongrun

●     Karla on IG @karla_osorno

●     10 Day Connection Challenge

●     Coaching with Karla - free consult or jump in

Thanks to our Sponsor:

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#69: How do decisions from the past impact your life today? with Lisa


#67: What is Your “Before and After” Moment? With Brooke