#71: It’s Okay to Change Your Mind with Megan

When did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up?

In today’s episode I am talking with Megan. Megan devotes her life to family - her own and serving others through her work. Volunteering during summers growing up gave her experiences that became seeds for her career today.  Megan’s journey shows us how pursuing what you love, using your education and talents, working hard and persevering, while nurturing relationships make for a life of significance. I hope this episode encourages you to follow your dreams, and know that it’s okay to change your mind, no matter what your age is.

Megan’s Story:

●     Being a wife and busy mama of 2

●     Being a runner

●     Moving from San Diego to Nevada as a child

●     Working in childcare as a teenager

Going Deep:

●     Having to switch colleges due to financial aid

●     Ending up back where she began/belonged

●     Working in behavior analysis

●     Creating an inclusive environment for children

●     Supportive Community


●     Have big dreams but feel overwhelmed?

○     It’s okay to decide you want a career change at any age

○     Listen to the dreams that tug on your heart

○     There’s no wrong path to take

Final Questions:

●     What’s your best tip for staying connected? Schedule face to face conversations

●     What are you looking forward to? Date nights


●     Karla on IG @karla_osorno

●     10 Day Connection Challenge

●     Coaching with Karla - free consult or jump in

Thanks to our Sponsor:

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#72: Is Finding Balance Even Possible? With Ashley


#70: Since You Asked: Answering Questions about Organization, Digital Photos, and Books