#9: Wellness and the Impact of Connection with Crystal

“When you start sharing your baggage or childhood experiences, you realize how much more you have in common than you ever realized.”

Crystal Ricciardi is an occupational therapist, health coach, mom, wife, student, and soon to be certified functional nutritionist, and I am so grateful to have her on the show today.

Crystal shares her story with us and expands on the importance that friendships and connection can have on our health. As we dive deeper, Crystal explains how our experiences from even our childhood can impact who we are today and how we hold onto stress.  She also shares what she feels are some of the most crucial elements to having deep friendships.


Be sure to check out the links below as Crystal shares about her health coaching and her newest product that she just recently released!


Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights:

  • Crystal’s story.

  • The importance of adding value to your clients.

  • How our relational health meshes with our physical health.

  • Why things like dancing and laughing make us connect.

  • The correlation between life experiences and physical ailments.

  • The importance of taking care of our physical health.

  • How persistence and presence play into friendship.



Find More on Crystal:

 Find More on The Commons with Karla:

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#10: Making Others Feel Special with Jessica


#8: Connected in Unexpected Ways with Cathy