#91: What Does Your Friendship Circle Look Like? With Tammy

In today’s episode I am in conversation with Tammy. Tammy exudes positivity, friendship, and kindness despite the tragic losses that she has endured. Tammy talks with us today about the many benefits of having a diverse community. She has friends in all walks of life: friends that are parents to young children, parents to college students, or even friends who are single with no children. She expresses how there are so many interesting people and perspectives in the world - why limit our friendships to only certain types of people? Tammy is truly a people person and does a beautiful job of expressing the difference between a friend and an acquaintance. I hope this episode encourages you to broaden the horizons of your friendships.

Episode Highlights:

●       3 things that Tammy loves to do

●       Tammy’s family

●       Pivotal moments in Tammy’s life

●       Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosis

●       The loss of Tammy’s husband, son, and parents

●       Tammy’s diverse community

●       The different levels of friendships

●       What would prevent Tammy from turning an acquaintance into a friend

●       Tammy’s lifelong friendship

●       The Commons with Karla #10: Making Others Feel Special with Jessica

●       What Tammy is reading for her book club - All I Know and Love by Judith Frank

●       Looking forward to post-surgery

Find more on Guest:

●       Tammy Geary is on IG @vegastammy and on Facebook @TammyKhouryGeary

Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       Karla on IG @karla_osorno


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#92: Bonus Episode Connecting Through Books


#90: Are you Focused on the Things That Really Matter? with Katie