Bonus #1: Finding True Connection with our Spouses and Kids

It’s true that connection is something that we all long for. But why is it often that we struggle the most to connect with those closest to us?


If the above is something that you can relate to, you are not alone and we are so glad you are at the Commons today.


This episode is the first of a series of episodes that we are releasing this month to help our community dig deeper into finding true, lasting, and beautiful connections with those in our lives.


We are starting off closest to home: Finding true connection with our spouses and kids.


It has been said that if we want to change the world, we must first start with our families. In order to impact our families, we must learn how to connect with them. Our hope is that through this episode and the resources we share, you find the encouragement you need to begin connecting deeper with those closest to you.


Thank you for joining us at The Commons. We are so glad you’re here.

 ●       A little background on Karla and her passion for helping others connect.

●       The power of bringing people into your “aha” moments.

●       How to begin navigating connections through different ages and seasons our kids go through.

●       Knowing your spouse for who he is and what he cares about now.

●       The value of dating throughout your marriage and setting parameters as a couple.

●       The importance of being present in every role we own.


Find More on Guest:

●       Connect with Lauren at or on IG @diazdesignandstaging


Find More on The Commons with Karla:


●       10 Day Connection Challenge free

●       Learn at The Commons with Classes

●       Follow the podcast on Facebook and Instagram

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#28: Creating a Positive School Culture with Krissy


#27: The Importance of Family Values with Chad and Sophia