Bonus #2: Finding True Connection with Extended Family

Do you have a distant relative that often crosses your mind that you haven’t spoken to in a while?


Life can get crazy, and it can be easy to get lost in the day-to-day, connecting with those we run into within our daily communities, but not really going any further. Before we know it, days, weeks, and even years might have passed where we have lost touch with those we love.


Is the work worth it to rekindle? Are the awkward conversations worth the time? Today, we are diving deeper into the importance of connecting with extended family and the how-to behind it. Relationships can be complex, and navigating them can be difficult at times, but connection with our loved ones makes life richer for all involved. Life’s too short to not pick up the phone and start the conversation.


We hope you find encouragement to initiate the call today. Thank you for being part of The Commons with Karla.


●       Why connecting with extended family tends to be more difficult.

●       Real life stories about connection struggles.

●       Tips on different ways to connect with extended family.

●       A word of encouragement to those hoping to connect with extended family.



●       Article about Storytelling (and Masterclass) - Read the article

●       Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend - Buy the Book on Amazon


Find More on Co-host:

●       Connect with Lauren at or on IG @diazdesignandstaging

Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       10 Day Connection Challenge free

●       Learn at The Commons with Classes

●  Follow the podcast on Facebook and Instagram

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#29: Creating Genuine Relationships with Students with Wendy


#28: Creating a Positive School Culture with Krissy