Bonus #3: Finding True Connection with Friends

It’s true that there are now more ways than ever to make new friends. You can hop online and look within certain interest groups, or head to various social gatherings to connect face to face. With technology, it’s easier than ever to connect with people across the world or right in our very hometowns. But while there are more ways than ever to make friends, it can still seem at times that we are losing the ability to truly connect.


Are our friendships truly flourishing?


An important thing to remember when it comes to friendship is that the focus should be on quality rather than quantity. Quality of time spent, quality of conversations had, and quality of friendships overall.


In today’s episode, we are talking more about the importance of quality over quantity. We are also discussing ways we can continue to foster these relationships so that we can truly thrive in them. Friendship is a valuable asset in life and ensuring that we nourish these relationships well is a great privilege.


Things we discussed in the episode:

●       What causes loneliness in friendship.

●       What to do with jealousy.

●       The importance of caring about what your people care about.

●       How to be a better friend with deeper relationships.

●       The importance of connecting in real life.

Find More on Co-host:

●       Connect with Lauren at or on IG @diazdesignandstaging

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#30: Making Connections Through Parent Volunteerism at School with Christina


#29: Creating Genuine Relationships with Students with Wendy