Bonus #4: Finding True Connection within our Communities

Do you feel deeply rooted within your community, or are you just going through the motions most days?


Over the past few weeks, we have discussed how to navigate different relationships and begin fostering deeper connections within them. This week we are discussing how to connect deeper within our communities.


Connecting within our communities is good for our well-being and it takes our lives from the mundane day-to-day tasks to richer more meaningful days. But being more intentional with how we connect in our communities can have a ripple effect making an impact on more than just our own lives.


When we choose to get intentional about making even the tiniest impact on those around us, it inspires others to do the same and ultimately leads to healthier relationships and flourishing communities. Listen today to learn more and glean some tactical tips on how you can begin connecting deeper within your community today.


Thank you for joining us today at the Commons with Karla!


Things we discussed in the episode:

●       The impact we can have on our communities by connecting.

●       Things we can do on a daily basis to better connect with our community.

●       Why connection within our communities is important.

●       The impact connection can have on our overall quality of life.

●       The Turquoise Table

●       The Turquoise Table Book by Kristin Schell

●       The Commons with Karla Episode 4 - How to Find Your Community as an Introvert with Karen

●       Cup of Coffee Mention - Gratitude and appreciation for interconnectedness of our world - Thanks a Thousand: A Journey of Gratitude by A.J. Jacobs


Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       10 Day Connection Challenge free

●       Learn at The Commons with Classes

●       Follow the podcast on Facebook and Instagram

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#31: Finding Friendship in the Special Needs Community with Karen


#30: Making Connections Through Parent Volunteerism at School with Christina