#53: Finding Freedom in Your Purpose with Karla

In today’s episode- we are shaking things up! I normally am the one interviewing others about their lives, but today I am going to be in the hot seat. I am being interviewed by my great friend, Bethany. You are going to get a closer look at my life, background, and how I ended up where I am today. Throughout my life, there was a common theme of control. I liked the thought of being in control of my own life and my circumstances, until I realized that some things were just simply out of my control. In some of those unsure circumstances - I had to learn and grow. Ultimately through those hard seasons, I found my way to freedom and purpose. This episode will help to bring insight into why I am the way I am, and how The Commons with Karla came to fruition. I hope you enjoy today’s episode.


Karla’s Story:

●     Being introverted

●     Having Sophia at a later age

●     The why behind Karla’s want to dig deeper

●     Karla’s childhood

●     Pivotal moments in Karla’s life


Going Deep:

●     Fighting through marriage problems

●     Infertility Journey

●     Going into deep conversations with friends



●     Trying to hang on to control?

●     Learn to let go of what you can’t control

●     Experience freedom by releasing imperfections

●     Have faith that things will work out how they are supposed to


Final Questions:

●     What are you reading? The People We Keep by Allison Larkin

●     What are you watching? Nothing!

●     What are you loving? The anticipation

●     What would you do with an unexpected four hours?  Reading in my bed

●     What is your superpower?  Connecting the dots

●     What are you looking forward to?  The podcast growing to help people have deeper conversations


●     Karla on IG @karla_osorno

●     10 Day Connection Challenge

●     Coaching with Karla - free consult or jump in


Thanks to our Sponsor:

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#54: Is There a Difference Between your Role and your Identity? With Julie


#52: The Commons Encore Episode: Where are they now?