#54: Is There a Difference Between your Role and your Identity? With Julie

Today I am speaking with Julie. She is a loving wife, a devoted mom, and a high achieving professional. Julie always pushes herself to be the best she can be in order to reach her full potential. She is very driven, and always wanted to invest in her career. However, she reached a point where she realized investing in her career meant a lack of investing time with her children and family. She also noticed that she was in need of deep connections with other women. I know she is not the only mama out there who has wrestled with these decisions. Check out this episode to learn more about what Julie decided to do, and how she came to her decisions.


Julie's Story:

●     Boy mom and happily married

●     Julie’s childhood

●     Developing independence at a young age

●     Studying abroad


Going Deep:

●     Shifting careers to adapt to her lifestyle

●     Being intentional about putting family first

●     The pandemic and its influence on Julie's life



●     Experiencing work/life balance struggle?

● Start with aligning choices to what matters most to you

●     Develop deep connections with other women

●     Surround yourself with people who model who you want to be

●     Discovering the difference between your role and your identity

●     How to say no to avoid burnout


Final Questions:

●     What are you reading? The Law of Innocence by Michael Connelly

●     What are you watching? Suits and The Office

●     What are you loving? Spring weather and the chapter of life I am in right now

●     What would you do with an unexpected four hours? Take my family abroad to show them an old chapter in my life

●     What is your superpower? Multi-tasking

●     What are you looking forward to? A trip to Nicaragua


●     Julie on FB @julie.clementsmathews

●     Karla on IG @karla_osorno

●     10 Day Connection Challenge

●     Coaching with Karla - free consult or jump in


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#55: What Adventure are you Being Called to Next? With Lisa


#53: Finding Freedom in Your Purpose with Karla