#84: Part 2: Can You Experience Joy and Grief at the Same Time? With Barbie

Welcome back to my conversation with Barbie. This episode is part 2 of my conversation with Barbie. If you haven’t listened to episode 83, you may want to pause this episode and come back after listening. In this episode, Barbie shares with us what it was like to become pregnant after having two miscarriages. She walks us through the journey of feeling joy while also grieving some devastating news about her mom’s health. The challenge of balancing good and bad news at the same time can be a lot to carry. Life can be hard, but I hope this episode reminds you that you are not alone.

Episode Highlights:

●       Barbie finding out she was pregnant again after two miscarriages

●       Barbie’s mom having cancer

●       Barbie’s father in law also having a chronic illness

●       We can’t have the capacity to take care of every person

●       The challenges of connection in changing seasons of life

Find more on Guest:

●       Barbie’s vibrant community on TikTok @barbiecmg

●       Connect with Barbie on IG @barbiecmg

●       On Facebook @BarbieCeciliaMiranda

Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       Karla on IG @karla_osorno

●       10 Day Connection Challenge

●       Coaching with Karla - free consult or jump in


Thanks to our Sponsor:

Memory Lane Chats is the best way to record the story of your family. Knowing the story we were born into and understanding the people who came before us is powerful, beautiful, and healing. Invite your loved one to tell their stories at MemoryLaneChats.com. Use the code STORY50 to save 50% (offer ends January 8, 2023). Stories matter and Memory Lane Chats wants to help you tell yours to future generations.


#85: How Do We Make Connections When Everyone is So Busy? With Desiree


#83: Part 1: Keeping Your Faith in the Midst of Pain with Barbie