#85: How Do We Make Connections When Everyone is So Busy? With Desiree

How can we develop deep connections when everyone is always so busy?


This is a question that today's guest, Desiree, often wonders. Desiree cares for people deeply and is a hard-working woman who enjoys her career. She also likes the flexibility she has to spend time with the people she loves. In our conversation we talk about loving our lives while also wishing people were less busy. And we talk about ways to develop deeper connections. If you feel like the pace of life makes it difficult to form deep connections, you are not alone. I hope this episode encourages you to make time for what is really important.

Episode Highlights:

●       Desiree’s background story

●       Desiree built her own business and is able to have a flexible schedule

●       Nature of the business means being on call all the time

●       Being a workaholic

●       Finding new hobbies and making “me time”

●       Making connections although everyone is busy

●       Staying connected to family

●       The challenge of making deep connections

●       Deciding what is important and delegating to be less busy

●       Desiree’s love of Halloween decorating

●       Hospitality is about connection

Find more on Guest:

●       Email Desiree or Visit her website

Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       Karla on IG @karla_osorno

●       10 Day Connection Challenge

●       Coaching with Karla - free consult or jump in



#86: Gaining Life Lessons and Community Through Adventure and Sports with Laurie


#84: Part 2: Can You Experience Joy and Grief at the Same Time? With Barbie