#95: You Have Permission to Rest in 2023 with Amy and Crystal

Have you been feeling weary? If so, then this episode is for you.


Welcome to our first episode of 2023! Today I am welcoming two guests back to the show - Amy Lathrop and Crystal Ricciardi. It is the beginning of 2023 and many women are reflecting and refocusing on the year ahead. Amy, Crystal, and I talk about our process for reflection. Then we take a deep dive into the topic of rest. Some of us are tired physically, emotionally, or spiritually from the past few years. We take the time to discuss how we define rest for ourselves, and practical tips to guide you to rest. I hope this episode encourages you to do something that fills your cup.

Episode Highlights:

●       Permission to rest

●       Process of Reflecting on the past year

●       Choosing a Focus Word for the New Year

●       People pleasing can lead to exhaustion

●       Physical symptoms of weariness

●       Defining rest

●       What Crystal and Amy are reading

Find more on Guest and episodes mentioned:

●       Amy Lathrop website

●       Crystal Ricciardi website

●       Reflect & Refocus Resource

●       #9: Wellness and Connection with Crystal

●       #62: Do You Have a Healthy Relationship with Food? With Crystal

●       #80: Do You Have a Deep Desire to Live an Abundant Life? With Amy and Crystal

●       #94: Bonus Episode: Do you have a Focus Word for 2023?

●       Rooted Life - Retreat and Resources for physical, emotional, and relational health

Find More on The Commons with Karla

●       On IG @karla_osorno

●       Free 10 Day Connection Challenge - subscribe to get all the news and updates


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#96: Make Your New Year’s Resolution a Lifestyle with Sarah


#94: Bonus Episode: What is your Focus Word for 2023?