#96: Make Your New Year’s Resolution a Lifestyle with Sarah

Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution that was fitness related, only to fall short of that goal within the first few months of the year?


Today, I am talking with Sarah Carne, a fitness coach. Sarah loves to encourage busy women to feel empowered to take care of themselves through fitness and nutrition along with self care. Sarah shares her story and why she is so passionate about fitness. Together we explore the what, why, and how of fitness with the hope that you will find the right plan and motivation to care for yourself - for life. I hope this episode motivates you to prioritize your health.

Episode Highlights:

●       Sarah’s family and background story

●       Making time for yourself

●       Eating more one ingredient foods

●       What is fitness?

●       Why does fitness matter?

●       What is driving your fitness journey?

●       What Sarah is reading

●       What Sarah is looking forward to

Find more on Guest:

●       Sarah on IG @lift.tacos.run.nachos

●       Fitness training with Sarah at Swët Fitness in Reno

Find More on The Commons with Karla:

●       On IG @karla_osorno

●       Coaching with Karla


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#97: Learning what Human Trafficking is & How to Spot the Red Flags with Melanie


#95: You Have Permission to Rest in 2023 with Amy and Crystal